한국의 갯벌Introduction

- Gathering place for diverse migratory birds
Seocheon Getbol is the site where sediments from the Geumgang River System are firstly deposited, and the average primary production is the highest among the serial components . This has provided high species diversity of macrobenthos, on which migratory birds have fed, and has hosted the largest number of migratory birds.
Seocheon Getbol, among the serial components, has the highest number of migratory birds visiting the site. Annually, it homes around 110 species of waterbirds, with an estimated population of 900,000 individuals. Also, it homes to the 23 species on the IUCN Red List and has been the largest habitat for Spoon-billed Sandpiper, critically endangered (CR) in the Republic of Korea (RO Korea).
The nutritive salts flowing from Geumgang River, are the highest among the components of the serial properties (81.0㎎/㎡), and it is known that about 180 species of macrobenthos are inhabited using such organic matter as a food source. This has also been the reason why many diverse migratory birds have gathered in the Seocheon Getbol.

Yubudo Island is nurturing the largest number of Eurasian Oystercatchers in the Republic of Korea, and furthermore, it supports 24 out of the 63 shorebird species that migrate along the East Asian - Australasian Flyway (EAAF), accounting for 38%. Diverse shorebirds, including Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Great Knot, and Bar-tailed Godwit have been observed, making it internationally significant.